I got a really cool package in the mail today. (I love it when a store throws in extras like stickers and postcards!)
In a thread in the kaiju section of the
Octorber Toys Forum (best forum EVAR!) someone mentioned a store called
Monster Worship, and, while browsing for toys there, I came across a wonderful coloring book by artist Terence E. Hanley called
Monsters and Aliens of America. I managed to snag the last one in stock at the time, but they have restocked, it appears! They have another of his coloring books that I'm probably going to eventually grab called
Mothman, Aliens, & Flying SaucersIt's illustrated in a very classic style that makes me think back to the old coloring books I had when I was a kid. Have you guys seen coloring books these days? Most of the ones I've seen lately are just photographs that have been digitally wonked around with until they look like line drawings-- it's pretty sad. There used to be quite a bit of artistry in the making of coloring books
The way the creatures in the book are presented reminds of old episodes of
In Search Of, a show that pretty much was responsible for 99% of the nightmares I had when I was a kid.
20 pages of fun critters and brief stories about each one. This is definitely one of those coloring books that will never be touched by a crayon, pencil, or brush-- the line work is just too perfectly beautiful to me to sully with any color. Not too shabby for 5 bucks, huh?
I looked up Terence E. Hanley, and he has
a website for those who are interested in hearing more about him. Unfortunately it seems to be in its infancy with very few links or pages. Hopefully that will change. On the good side, it provides contact info for the artist!
If you like his stuff, let him know! Artists need to know they are appreciated! Sometimes we feel all alone, scratching away at our drawing boards like madmen!