Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rollin, rollin, rollin!

So recently Tenacious Toys and artist NEMO put out a call for artists to submit pieces for a show at the graffiti supply boutique All The Right. The show was called The Rollie Show, and the idea was to make unique toys out of cheapo roll-on deodorant bottles! Such a cool, economical idea for a show!!!

So I made this little guy here which I named the Hell Roller:

He's mounted on a light-up base so you can make his flames glow!

Tenacious Toys posted a Flickr album today with some pics from the show!

Here is the full display with over 40 customized rollies! Look at all that talent gathered there!

Here's my piece next to an awesome Ganesha and a little guy putting on ROLL-ON DEODORANT!!!

Be sure to check out the Flickr Album here for more great pics!!!

Thanks Tenacious Toys, NEMO, and All The Right for allowing us all to have this opportunity!!!

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